
How domestic call center outsourcing could help skimpflation | ShyftOff

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In 2020, dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster named “pandemic” its word of the year. In 2021, that distinction went to “vaccine.” And while there’s no way to know what 2022 has in store, my official early guess is “skimpflation.” Not familiar with skimpflation or the impact on a business and its customers? Read on as I explain skimpflation and describe how domestic call center outsourcing can help companies avoid any related fallout.

What is skimpflation?

The concept behind skimpflation is simple. Since many companies (both big and small) have struggled in recent months to obtain qualified workers and goods to sell, some of those same companies have started “skimping” on what they offer customers. Even worse, a lot of these businesses have kept pricing unchanged or even raised costs, despite offering less.

Skimpflation is found in just about every industry, and you may have even experienced it without knowing it was happening. For example, have you noticed that the friendly skies aren’t so friendly anymore? That’s because some carriers have reduced the number of flight attendants aboard large jets, resulting in weary workers and longer wait times for service like drink refills. Another real-life example of skimpflation is an automotive dealership eliminating free oil changes for life with the purchase of a new car. But the example that piques our interest at ShyftOff is what’s happening in call centers across the country. With companies navigating reduced headcount in call centers, call wait times continue to climb.

Depending on the company, this scenario means that the business may face a dilemma. It can either increase hourly wages for call center agents, a proven way to recruit and address headcount, but one that affects the business’s bottom line—or it can keep wages where they are, a benefit to the budget, but risk losing frustrated customers who simply can’t overlook poor service.

Domestic call center outsourcing is the answer to skimpflation

Thankfully, a third option exists for companies facing the reality of skimpflation: Domestic call center outsourcing. This practice involves entrusting a U.S.-based third party that is expertly skilled at cell center management with your call center operations. Under normal market conditions, domestic call center outsourcing can be a sound strategy—but the benefits are even more impactful when skimpflation is involved.

Domestic call center outsourcing with a company like ShyftOff eliminates staffing concerns and schedule gaps that trigger long call wait times associated with skimpflation. As a bonus, about 80% of our agents are college-educated and bring with them the skills and sophistication business owners want in a customer service agent.

We’ll work with you to train any agent dedicated to your account up to your standards. With this training under the agent’s belt, you can rest assured that your customers’ questions will be answered accurately, on-brand and on-message. Customer service is one area you never want to skimpon, and you’ll never have to if you partner with ShyftOff.

Have questions about skimpflation and what it means for your business or industry? Interested in learning more about our unique model that deploys GigCX workers to hire and retain amazing agents? Reach out today.

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