Optimizing Contact Center Training for Better Performance

Discover the benefits of e-learning and self-paced training over traditional classroom methods in contact centers. Tune in to the 'Future of Contact Centers' podcast for insights.
Optimizing Contact Center Training for Better Performance | Future of Contact Centers Podcast

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In this episode of the "Future of Contact Centers" podcast, Nate Nammour is joined by guest Brett Farrar, Vice President of Operations at ShyftOff, to discuss the challenges with contact center training. Their discussion sheds light on the advantages of e-learning and self-paced training models, contrasting them with traditional classroom settings.

The Drawbacks of Traditional Training

Traditional contact center training, typically conducted in classroom settings with rigid schedules, often leads to decreased engagement and effectiveness over time. Farrar points out the inefficiencies and the strict attendance policies that do not align with the needs of today's workforce, especially gig workers who value flexibility. The conventional method's lengthy durations, sometimes extending up to 12 weeks, are not only daunting but also less conducive to retaining information.

The Shift to E-Learning

The episode emphasizes the shift towards e-learning—a model that supports self-paced, flexible training schedules that are more aligned with modern work environments. This method not only caters to the varied learning styles of individuals but also significantly enhances information retention. E-learning in contact centers allows agents to engage with the material on their terms, which is crucial for accommodating their personal schedules and commitments.

Benefits of E-Learning in Gig Economy

Brett discusses the specific benefits of integrating e-learning within the gig economy framework of contact centers:

  • Flexibility: Agents can complete their training modules at their convenience within a given timeframe, which is essential for gig workers.
  • Efficiency: Self-paced learning is shown to improve information retention and engagement, helping agents to perform better once they start actual work.
  • Cost-effectiveness: By optimizing training, e-learning reduces costs associated with traditional training methods, which often include charges for time spent in training regardless of outcomes.

Real-World Applications and Feedback

The podcast also touches on the practical applications of e-learning. ShyftOff, the platform discussed, incorporates various learning styles into their training modules, including kinesthetic, auditory, visual, and linguistic approaches. This comprehensive method ensures that all agents, regardless of their preferred learning style, can effectively absorb and apply the information.

Brett also addresses common misconceptions about e-learning, emphasizing that it is not a lesser form of training but a more advanced and efficient method. He explains how ShyftOff converts existing training materials from clients into interactive, self-paced modules that agents can access online. This approach not only maintains the integrity of the training content but also enhances its accessibility and effectiveness.

The Future of Training in Contact Centers

As the conversation concludes, it's clear that e-learning represents the future of training in contact centers. This model not only meets the demands of a modern workforce but also aligns with the operational needs of contact centers that require a flexible, knowledgeable, and well-prepared team.